[not just another mexican beach beer]
How do you take a nondescript Mexican beer and turn it into a cultural icon?
Well, first, you’ve got to find some white space.
Big data tells you to off the beach. And away from Tex-Mex if you want to win outside the Lone Star State.
How to get to something transformational?
Get up close and personal with young men while they’re drinking beer…in their favorite bar… and hang in till the doors close!
Listen to how they make great nights!
What we captured was fascinating!
The more they drank, the more animated they became. Their stories turned epic. The fish they caught got bigger. The women they brought home got hotter.
The more exaggerated the tales, the taller the tails, the better the night.
Feeding these insights to our agency creative partners in virtually real time led to a game-changing question:
What if our beer was the choice, when he drinks beer, of the man who was better at absolutely everything than any other man…anywhere?
Lowdown leads to "Most Interesting".