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our lowdown DATA MINING TOOL


There are powerful truths beyond the data.  Hidden truths that can only be revealed by getting all the way into consumers’ lives: in their space. On their terms. We’re open, patient, non-judgmental. We give them time to relax, drop their masks and pretenses: get down to the good stuff.  We capture it all in cinematic detail so content can be edited, curated and shared with all stakeholders to provoke fresh thinking, breakthrough ideas, game-changing campaigns.


How do we get beyond the "numbers?"

Big data does a great job of revealing what consumers do.

But not such a great job of revealing why they do it.

That’s where we come in.

Our Lowdown Protocols build on the massive data brands now collect.

They let us get up close and personal with consumers. Get them to drop their carefully constructed social personae and reveal their true motivations, dreams and decision drivers.

You know: the high value but undiscovered truths that create actionable business drivers.


We take these insights and carefully distribute our findings to help drive collaboration and "buy-in" with all of the brand's stakeholders. 

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We manage the flow of ideas between the strategic teams, creative teams, and the brand managers by continually accessing influencers and directing insights to each "camp". We believe world class work comes from direct conversation with the consumer. It also requires a platform for all of the stakeholders to share and "sell" their ideas internally. We facilitate this process.


We act as a binding agent to launch ideas and concepts with-in an agency or brand as well between the agency and brand. We design workflows that include the consumer along each step of a brand’s or marketing concept’s evolution. By allowing consumer participation, agencies can assertively promote their ideas and brand managers can be confident in their internal recommendations.


The power of our Lowdown Protocols is to dig out often hidden true consumer motivations: the ones that actually predict behavior.


And we are asked. “hidden behind what?”


Answer: the masks consumers present the world to conceal their true selves and authentic motivations (even from themselves.)


Warning: geek riff follows.


We’re talking about Carl Jung/Joseph Campbell “masks.” 


Dr. Jung defined “masks” as the social face an individual puts out into the world: “a kind of mask, designed on the one hand to make a definite impression on others and on the other to conceal the true nature of the individual.”


In short: they are constructs.  Useful pretenses.  What’s often on display in in traditional groups and one-on-ones.


And acting on this “learning” is, no surprise, frequently unsuccessful.


Particularly for high-image brands if they fail to understand the super-power cultural masks Joseph Campbell describes in “The Hero’s Journey.”


Where do these masks come from?


Consider pretty much anyone.


Most have been creating, curating and evolving their social media profiles (“masks”) at breakneck speed.


Result? Between the time you think you’ve captured their profiles and act on them, they have moved on through multiple iterations. Shooting behind a target is missing the target. Particularly if it was never actually where it appeared to be.


And we won’t even start on the problems posed by consumers who are running multiple masks simultaneously.


But the true, underlying person behind the mask(s)?  That changes slowly, if ever.  Making connections at this level generates long-term brand loyalty, maximizing lifetime customer value.

And enables the enduring connections only authentic icon brands achieve.


Our Protocols are built to create connections, gain trust, motivate consumers to drop their masks and show their truest selves, setting the stage for our Clients to forge high value long-term consumer connections.



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